What is Personal Health Pathways?

Personalised healthcare pathways

A simple journey, personalised for you. We know that everyone is unique, so, your approach to health should be as well.
Get started!

Available wherever and whenever you need it

It's as easy as accessing Personal Health Pathways in the Discovery Health app.

Simplified next best actions

These actions are hyper-personalised to you by leveraging the world's largest clinical, lifestyle and behavioural data set, in combination with advanced machine learning and data science capabilities.

Rewarding you for improving your health

Complete your personal actions in the given time to reveal and claim your rewards. Your rewards are dynamic and hyper-personalised, which means the value of the reward is customized to each individual and differs for each individual.

How to get started

You can start your journey on the homepage of the Discovery Health app. Don't have the app? Download it now!


How Personal Health Pathways works

View the next best actions that are personalised for you, and especially ranked according to their predicted impact on improving your health. Your actions are designed exclusively for you, which means that you'll get actions that align with your unique health and exercise goals. Complete these actions and move towards closing your rings, which earns you a reward while improving your health.


  Health ring

To close your health ring, you need to complete your health actions. This includes a variety of clinical, screening and lifestyle actions. Remember that your journey is unique and you'll have different health actions to your family and friends.

These are some of the actions you may see if they are relevant to you:

Complete a Health Check

Visit your dentist

Visit your primary care doctor

Once you've completed a next best action, you'll get a new one. You'll have a set amount of time to complete each action. If you no longer have any health actions, you may have completed all the health actions in your pathway. You may be assigned new health actions as your pathway evolves or your health status changes.


  Exercise ring

To close your exercise ring, you need to do some physical activity. The exercise we recommend is personalised to your level of physical activity. Your next best action may recommend walking or heart-rate workouts. Remember that your journey is unique, and you'll have different exercise actions to your family and friends.

You may see some of these and many more, if they are relevant to you:

Take 2,500 steps 3 times in a week

Complete a heart rate workout

Complete a parkrun

You'll get new exercise actions every week and have from Saturday morning to Friday evening to complete it.

You can earn personalised rewards!

Complete your personal actions in the given time to close your rings and earn personalised rewards. Rewards are different for every individual because they are tailored to consider your specific circumstances, health status, abilities, and potential challenges you might face in completing the action. And the best news? All members of Discovery Health Medical Scheme* have access and can start today!

*Only available to Discovery Health Medical Scheme members who are 18 years or older.


When you close your health ring, you can redeem an instant reward in the Discovery Health app that's personalised just for you.

Get the app


When you close your exercise ring, you can play the weekly gameboard on a Wednesday or redeem an instant reward in the Discovery app or Discovery Bank app.

Get the app


Access your Personal Health Fund

Unlock your Discovery Health Medical Scheme Personal Health Fund benefit when you activate Personal Health Pathways. Accumulate funds every time you complete a next best action and you can use these funds for eligible day-to-day medical expenses.


Frequently asked questions

Understanding Personal Health Pathways

Personal Health Pathways is designed to help you get healthier by doing personalised health and exercise actions. You'll get personalised health and exercise actions to complete, based on your unique healthcare needs. By completing actions, you'll close your rings and earn personalised rewards.

Members of Discovery Health Medical Scheme can access Personal Health Pathways if they are 18 years or older and it is clinically appropriate for them. Personal Health Pathways is available to all members who meet these criteria, whether or not they have Vitality.

Participation in Personal Health Pathways is voluntary, and if you choose to participate you can opt out at any time. Personal Health Pathways will guide you to improve your overall health, and will reward you for doing so, so why not try it out?

Personal Health Pathways is free to all eligible members of Discovery Health Medical Scheme (DHMS). You will, however, be responsible for data fees, certain benefit activation fees and certain health activities that may not be covered by your available plan benefits.

Pathways will automatically be paused in any of the following events:

  • Your membership of Discovery Health Medical Scheme has been suspended.
  • You're getting nursing care at home as an alternative to being in hospital.
  • You were admitted to a medical facility. This includes a hospital, day clinic, psychiatric facility, drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility, and step-down facility.
  • When your pathway has been paused, you won't get any communication about Personal Health Pathways, and you won't be able to complete any next best actions.

If your pathway is paused due to an admission to a medical facility, your pathway will be automatically unpaused after your discharge. It may take 2 - 4 weeks post your discharge for your pathway to be unpaused.

If you would like to unpause your pathway before it is automatically reinstated, you can call us on 0860 99 88 77 for assistance.

Getting started with Personal Health Pathways

Simply log in to the Discovery Health app and go to the Personal Health Pathways page by scrolling down on the home page. Personal Health Pathways will be explained to you when you log in for the first time. Once you've accepted the terms and conditions, you'll be able to immediately view and start with your health and exercise actions.

The Discovery Health app is a digital healthcare tool created for members of Discovery Health Medical Scheme (DHMS). The app provides a single platform for all your healthcare needs. The app gives you access to Personal Health Pathways, which is a personalised health journey tailored to your unique health status, with guidance on the next steps to take to improve your health.

The Discovery Health app is available in the Google Play Store for Android devices and in the Apple App Store for iOS devices.

Search in your Store for "Discovery Health" and choose the option that says "Discovery Health App".

The Discovery Health app is not available in the HUAWEI App Gallery. Please use the Google Play Store if you have a HUAWEI device.

To opt in to PHP, you need to accept the terms and conditions in the Discovery Health app. Here's how:

  • Log in to the app.
  • Tap on the Personal Health Pathways tile on the home screen.
  • Scroll through the screens that explain the key features and how to link your device and phone.
  • The Terms and Conditions are available for your perusal and can also be downloaded.
  • By clicking on Continue, you'll activate Personal Health Pathways and automatically accept the terms and conditions

You can easily opt out of Personal Health Pathways in the Discovery Health app, or you can call us on 0860 99 88 77.

Your log in details for the Discovery Health app are the same as the details you use to log into the Discovery App, Discovery Bank App or website. If you have forgotten your username or your password, please follow the "Forgot Username" or "Forgot Password" options on the Discovery Health app or on the Discovery website and follow the prompts to reset your login details. Please make sure that we have the most up-to-date contact information for you to reset your details, including your cellphone number and email address

Should you require any additional assistance, you can call us on 0860 99 88 77.

All you need to know about your actions

Next best actions (NBAs) are personalised actions recommended to you to improve your overall health. By completing your NBAs, you can make progress towards closing your health and exercise rings. You'll earn rewards in the Discovery Health app (or Discovery Bank app if you're an existing Discovery Bank client) for closing your rings.

Your next best actions are designed exclusively for you, which means that you'll get actions that align with your unique health and exercise goals. Artificial intelligence and data science modelling determine multiple clinical, exercise and lifestyle actions for every member of Discovery Health Medical Scheme.

Tap on the next best action card for information on why this particular action is relevant for and important to you.

Your actions will differ from those of your family and friends because each member's pathway is unique. Your path depends on your health status and engagement with Personal Health Pathways, and it is made up of a series of next best actions that pave the way to better long-term health.

There are a variety of clinical, screening and lifestyle actions you can expect to see. These could include completing a Health Check, visiting your dentist, nominating your primary care doctor and many more.

These are a variety of steps and heart-rate workout actions you can expect to see. These could include taking a required number of steps per day, completing a parkrun, walking 2,500 steps three times a week and many more.

All health activities recommended for you are subject to your plan benefits and funding. If your plan doesn't cover a specific activity or if your benefits are finished, you'll need to pay for it yourself.

Completing your actions helps you make progress towards closing your ring. Once you've closed your ring, you earn a personalised reward.

You can temporarily pause a health action in the Discovery Health app if you're unable to complete the action in the allocated time, by snoozing it. Just click on the action and tap on Snooze action. You'll have the choice to snooze for a minimum of 7, 14, or 30 days. If you snooze an action accidentally, you can simply unsnooze it. You won't be able to snooze any physical activity actions.

Once you've snoozed an action, your action will be paused. You can choose to pause your action for a minimum period of 7, 14 or 30 days. When your selected snooze period ends, you may not see your action immediately. It will appear again after your current actions are completed or have expired, and it may close your ring by a different amount than before.

The date showing on your action is the date by when you need to complete that action. After that date, your action will automatically expire, and you will no longer see it as a next best action. The expired action will also show in your History. Any actions completed after the expiry date, do not count towards closing your rings.

As long as the action was completed between when it sufficed and before the expiry date, the claim will still count towards closing your ring even if we received it after the action has expired.

Your actions must be completed by the date displayed in order for it to count towards closing your rings.

Once your action has expired, a new action will appear in the Discovery Health app. You can still continue on your path to better health. We'll show you what other actions to complete to get back on track.

In the Discovery Health app, you'll see up to three unique actions to complete. Depending on your unique pathway, you may have up to two health actions and you'll always see an exercise action.

Your health actions are a variety of clinical, screening and lifestyle actions you can take to improve your health. You can expect to see actions such as completing a Health Check and visiting your dentist. By completing these actions, you can make progress in closing your Health ring.

Your exercise ring consists of physical activity and fitness actions that you can take to improve your health. You can expect to see actions personalised to you. This may include walking, completing a workout, or completing a parkrun. By completing these actions, you make progress in closing your Exercise ring

Each action has a specific expiry date, which you can find on you action card. Your health actions must be completed by the date displayed. You'll get a new exercise action every week. You have from Saturday morning to Friday midnight every week to achieve your exercise goal

There are two Personal Health Pathway rings: a health ring and an exercise ring.

You can close your health ring by completing your health actions. You need to complete each health action by the date displayed in the Discovery Health app.

You can close your exercise ring by completing your exercise actions. Each exercise action is valid from a Saturday morning until the next Friday at midnight.

Health actions

Most of your health actions require a claim to be completed. Therefore, we'll know your action is complete once we've received and processed your medical aid claim. Please allow 3-5 days for processing after your claim is submitted for your action to be completed. Where pathology analysis is required, the claim may take longer to be submitted by the laboratory

You have up to four months to submit your claim. Your healthcare provider can also submit the claim directly to us. Even if your claim isn't paid because you don't have benefits available, we'll still mark the action as completed after processing your claim.

Not all actions that are recommended to you will require a claim to be completed. Your next best actions are personalised for you and include different actions such as completing online health and lifestyle assessments. Your next best action cards will have all the details on how to complete your actions.

If you complete an action before the expiry date, it will contribute towards closing your ring, even if we only receive the proof completion after the expiry date.

Exercise actions

We'll know your action is complete within 48 hours of you doing the action. We track your completion based on the data we receive from your linked device. If your exercise next best actions (NBAs) still don't show as completed after 48 hours, you can call us on 0860 99 88 77. We're available Monday to Friday, from 07:00 to 18:00. Please make sure you've checked that your device is connected and has synced with your latest activities.

To complete your next best actions (NBAs):

  • Log in to the Discovery Health app.
  • Tap on Personal Health Pathways on your home screen, where you'll see your next best actions
  • Tap on the next best action for information on why it is important - and how to complete the action.

Completing these NBAs before the expiry date will help you close your health and exercise rings in the Discovery Health app, which will earn you rewards.

Once you've completed your recommended action, we wait for information to tell us you've completed this action. Then your action will be marked as complete.

All your completed actions can be viewed in your History. You can find your History on the menu available on your Personal Health Pathway home page in the Discovery Health app or website.

You can remove a specific next best action (NBA) by tapping on it to see more information. You'll see an option to Dismiss that specific NBA.

You and your doctor can choose from one of the following reasons to dismiss an NBA:

  • You have a permanent medical condition
  • You have a temporary medical condition.

Permanent medical condition
An example of a permanent medical conditions is a disability that prevents you from completing the action.

Temporary medical condition
Examples of temporary medical conditions include an injury or a short-term illness that prevents you from completing the action in the next 30 days. You or your doctor must choose the period after which you'll see the action again. The maximum temporary dismiss period is 12 months

  • You can snooze a recommended next best action for a short period if you cannot complete it in the allocated time. You can choose to snooze your action for a minimum period of 7, 14 or 30 days.
  • You can only dismiss a recommended next best action due to a medical reason or condition. This could be for a short period which is a temporary dismiss or to prevent the action from surfacing again which is a permanent dismiss.
  • If you have permanently dismissed an action due to a medical condition, it will never be surfaced to you again.
  • If you have temporarily dismissed an action due to a medical condition, you or your doctor must choose the period after which you'll see the action again. Therefore, the action will be available to resurface after the selected period. It may not immediately appear after the dismissed period; it will appear again after your current actions are completed or have expired.

We'll know your health action is complete once your claim has been received and processed. This typically takes 3 to 5 days. Some actions take longer to complete, particularly where they require analysis at a laboratory. You don't need to contact us to tell us when you've completed the action.

Completing your exercise action on the linked device will help you close your exercise ring.

The next best action will be seen as successfully completed and accumulate towards closing your ring.

You have up to 4 months from the date of service to submit your claim. If the date of service of the claim occurred during the period where the action was visible to you, and before the action's expiry date, the action will still be regarded as complete and will still count towards closing your health ring, even if the claim is received after the expiry date. We therefore continuously track claims to confirm completion of an action, even after the expiry date.

If you no longer have any health actions in the Discovery Health app, you may have completed all the health actions in your pathway. You may be assigned new health actions as your pathway evolves or your health status changes.

If you don't have any exercise actions in the Discovery Health app, you may need to check if you have activated Vitality Active Rewards.

All you need to know about rewards

Completing an action is a step closer towards closing your ring. Once you've closed your ring, you earn a reward.

Any unused positive balance in your Personal Health Fund will expire on 31 December of the year that you earned them in. This means that they do not carry over into the next year regardless of what time of the year you earned them. You can learn more about the Personal Health Fund here.

No, Personal Health Pathways is available to all members of Discovery Health Medical Scheme, and you will still be rewarded for closing your rings even if you are not a member of Vitality.

After closing a health ring, you can redeem a reward at one of the partner stores in the Vitality network. This includes Woolworths, Dis-Chem, Sportsman's Warehouse, Exclusive Books and more.

After closing an exercise ring, you can choose an instant reward at one of the partner stores in the Vitality network or wait for Rewards Wednesday, when you can play the Active Rewards gameboard to earn Discovery Miles on the Discovery Bank app.

Once your health ring is closed and you earn a reward, you can redeem your health rewards in the Discovery Health app. Once an exercise ring is closed and you earn a reward, you can get an instant reward or wait to play the gameboard on Rewards Wednesday in the Discovery app or Discovery Bank app, if you are a Discovery Bank client.

You didn't select a reward within seven days of closing your health ring.

  • Log in to your Discovery Health app
  • Tap on Personal Health Pathways on your home screen
  • Tap on the menu on your top right screen
  • Select the "Rewards" option to view all your rewards.
Getting rewarded in Ðiscovery Miles

Ðiscovery Miles are Discovery's valuable rewards currency, which you can earn by getting healthier, driving well and spending responsibly. Ðiscovery Miles are more versatile and more valuable than cash, with several ways to earn and spend them depending on the Discovery products you have.

Ðiscovery Miles are subject to terms and conditions which can be found on the Discovery website.

You earn Ðiscovery Miles when completing your health actions and closing your health ring. You can also earn Ðiscovery Miles for closing your exercise ring and playing the Active Rewards gameboard on Rewards Wednesday.

As a Vitality Health member or member with Vitality through Personal Health Pathways, you can spend your Ðiscovery Miles in the Vitality mall which can be accessed through the Discovery app.

As a Discovery Bank client, you can spend your Ðiscovery Miles at our online and in-store Ðiscovery Miles partners. You can also spend your Discovery Miles on the Discovery Bank app by purchasing any value-added services which Discovery Bank offers.

There are several exciting ways to spend your Ðiscovery Miles. You can spend Ðiscovery Miles on exciting rewards of your choice in the Vitality Mall - from coffees and smoothies to shopping and entertainment rewards every week, often at discounted rates.

If you are a Vitality and Discovery Bank member, you can do even more with your Ðiscovery Miles.

You can view your Ðiscovery Miles balance in the Discovery Health app, Discovery Bank app and Discovery app or by logging in on the Discovery website using your Discovery username and password. .

No, you do not need to be a Discovery Bank client to earn or spend your Ðiscovery Miles. As Vitality Health member or a member with Vitality through Personal Health Pathways, you can continue to earn Ðiscovery Miles through Personal Health Pathways and other Ðiscovery Miles earning activities. You can spend your Ðiscovery Miles in the Vitality Mall through the Discovery app.

You only have one Ðiscovery Miles account and any Ðiscovery Miles you earn, regardless of where or how you earn them, will be saved in this account.

Discovery Bank clients can access their DIscovery Miles account in the Discovery Bank app.

Members without a Discovery Bank account can access their Discovery Miles through the Discovery Health or Discovery app.

Yes, each adult (18 years or older) on your health plan that activates their Personal Health Pathway will have their own Ðiscovery Miles account. Any Ðiscovery Miles you earn across Discovery's suite of products are saved in this account.

When you opt out of Personal Health Pathways, you will lose all rewards you have earned and not used. This includes Ðiscovery Miles and rewards in your Wallet.

Opting out of Personal Health Pathways will not impact your Ðiscovery Miles balance if you are still an active Discovery Bank client or Discovery Vitality member, you will continue to keep the Ðiscovery Miles you have earned which you can spend at our online and in-store partners.

If you cancel your health plan, you will lose all rewards you have earned and not used. This includes Ðiscovery Miles and rewards in your Wallet.

Cancelling your health plan will not impact your Ðiscovery Miles balance if you are still an active Discovery Bank client or Discovery Vitality member. You will continue to keep the Ðiscovery Miles you have earned.

Ðiscovery Miles expire five years from the date that you earn them. If you don't use your Ðiscovery Miles before they expire, you'll lose them..

Your total Ðiscovery Miles balance can expire if:

  • You no longer have any of the following Discovery Miles earning products:
    • Vitality Health / Vitality through Personal Health Pathways
    • Vitality Drive
    • Vitality Wealth
    • Discovery Bank account
  • You have not spent or earned any Ðiscovery Miles in a 12-month rolling period

To avoid expiry, spend or partially pay using your Ðiscovery Miles or engage in Vitality Health/Vitality through Personal Health Pathways, Vitality Drive or Vitality Money to earn more Ðiscovery Miles.

All you need to know about Vitality

To start engaging with exercise next best actions, you need to activate Vitality Active Rewards and link a suitable activity tracking device. This will help us track your progress towards achieving your weekly exercise actions and closing your exercise ring.

To start engaging with exercise next best actions, you need to activate Vitality Active Rewards and link a suitable activity tracking device. This will help us track your progress towards achieving your weekly exercise actions and closing your exercise ring.

Yes, your Personal Health Pathways exercise ring is the same as the exercise ring in your Discovery Bank and Discovery app.

Find out how to link a wide range of devices and applications directly to Vitality. Once you've selected your chosen device, you'll need to give Vitality permission to receive the data.

Other troubleshooting support

You may not be seeing Personal Health Pathways on your app due to the following reasons:

  • You are under the age of 18
  • You have not activated Personal Health Pathways
  • You are not a Discovery Health Medical Scheme member
  • Our data shows that you may not be able to participate in Personal Health Pathways at this time. If you would like to participate and would like more information, please call us on 0860 99 88 77.

Health actions:

  • Your actions may have expired. You can view your expired actions in the History section which you can find on the Personal Health Pathways landing page menu.
  • You may have completed all the currently available health actions in your pathway. As soon as an action is available, it will be recommended to you.

To continue earning rewards, complete your weekly exercise action.

Exercise actions:

  • Check that you have activated Vitality Active Rewards to make sure that you have a weekly exercise action.

If you activated Vitality Active Rewards but do not have a recommended exercise action displaying and you do not have a card confirming that you have completed all your currently available health actions, please contact us for further assistance. You can call us on 0860 99 88 77.

To see all your past actions, you need to:

  • Log in to your Discovery Health app
  • Tap on Personal Health Pathways on your home screen
  • Tap on the menu on the top right of your screen
  • You will be see your previously recommended Health and Exercise actions.

If you are experiencing a technical issue with your app such as: the app is unusually slow, you have trouble logging in or you cannot activate Personal Health Pathways, you can call us on 0860 99 88 77.

If your Discovery apps are showing you different Personal Health Pathways information, please call us on 0860 99 88 77 for assistance.

Personal Health Pathways is brought to Discovery Health Medical Scheme members by Discovery Health (Pty) Ltd; registration number 1997/013480/07, an authorised financial services provider and administrator of medical schemes. Personal Health Pathways is enabled by the combination of Discovery Health's healthcare capabilities and Vitality's behaviour change expertise. Discovery Health Medical Scheme, registration number 1125, is an independent non-profit entity governed by the Medical Schemes Act, and regulated by the Council for Medical Schemes. Vitality is a separate wellness product, sold and administered by Discovery Vitality (Pty) Ltd, registration number 1999/007736/07. Limits, terms and conditions apply.

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